Sunday, April 26, 2009

I dream of cupcakes

What do you do when it's your friend's birthday and you haven't got time to shop for gift? Crochet them a cupcake, of course!

This is from Elisabeth A. Doherty's fantastic book 'Amigurumi!'

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nearly, nearly

I am almost finished the gift for my pregnant friend, and rightly so - she goes on Maternity Leave tomorrow! So did you guess what it is? If not, here's a few more clues:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ami Ami Dogs

Jett bought this book and, despite it being in Japanese, hoped that I would be able to figure it out because I can crochet. So, being a wonderfully lazy Good Friday, I thought I would give it a go. I must say, I would have had no hope if it wasn't for the help of Leanne at my work, whose Japanese is pretty hot, and this website.

Right, so, I have no idea what I'm doing.

This kinda looks like doggie parts. Now it's just like putting together a puzzle, surely.

Stitch it together, add some eyes and a nose and...

Voile! One Ami Ami Dog!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I am making a *surprise* gift for a friend of mine who has a bun in the oven. Can you guess what it is?