Thursday, April 29, 2010


I've been fortunate enough lately to have some wonderful handmade things blow in my direction.

Clare bought these wonderful crocheted glass cozies for me as a housewarming present. They were made by one of her friend's mother who is of Mennonite faith and makes a lot of things by hand.

The hat shop in Newtown (I don't know if it actually has a name - it has no signage*) was having a 'Hat Tat' sale last weekend, and because this felted hat wasn't finished with edging it was only $15! I bought some vintage ribbon in two different colours to go around it. Might make a felt rose too.

And... I have placed an order for these totally awesome vegan eco-chic ballet flats from TheGeneration. I can't wait for them to arrive. I am desperately in need of some flat shoes that go with just about anything, after my $13 job interview shoes from years ago finally fell apart. RIP.

*but if you're looking for it, it's beside Oscillate Wildly on Australia Street.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Special offer!

I've been cozying up a storm of late! So... to celebrate the re-launch of my shop and my new 'for the love of tea' range, I am offering a special deal: the first three customers to my etsy shop will receive their second item (of equal or lesser value) at half price!

So hot-foot it over to and pick up some goodies!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stitch 'n' bitch

Last night I had my first Stitch'n'bitch as a Sydney-sider. Clare was kind enough to host it at her house, and made some lovely dips for the occasion.

Some snacks, wool, crochet books for inspiration and a couple of vanilla vodkas with ginger ale

The mission: granny squares. I've never made granny squares before (apart from a little practice one the other night) - and I was supposed to be teaching. Luckily we just started out with some basic crochet lessons, with the aim of tackling a bigger project each week.

Clare learning to crochet. Grade A student : )

My granny square actually turned out to be more of a granny circle, but it impressed Little Cat nonetheless.

Stitchybritt and her granny circle

From now on Wednesday night is Stitch'n'bitch night!

Little Cat wearing Stitchybritt's granny circle as a hat

Sunday, April 18, 2010

For the love of tea!

I am very excited to announce my new 'for the love of tea' range of tea and mug cozies in my shop! (yes, I've been busy). Those of you who know me will know of my undying LOVE for cups of tea. So it was only natural that I branch into making cozies for teapots and coffee mugs, for all those tea and coffee lovers out there.

Black and white floral tea cozy and mug cozy

Red and white stripey mug cozy - hug your mug!

Pop on over to the stitchybritt etsy shop to have a look! Oh yes, and I've just started a MadeIt Shop too (two sales already!), so if you prefer to buy in Aussie dollars you can do so here.

Check back regularly, because new 'for the love of tea' items will be added daily in the lead up to Mother's Day on 9 May 2010!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Frilly business

Got a treasury on Treasury West. Quick! Head over there, check it out, write a comment and buy lovely frilly stuff before it expires on Tuesday 13 April (Sydney time. The evening before for my friends in the US).

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What's new?

So Stitchybritt, what have you been up to?

Well, stitchin-wise, two things!

One: When Sam's housemate was getting rid of his suitcase, he was also getting rid of a bunch of unworn business shirts. I snapped up a bunch of them with refashions in mind. And here's the first -

Looks good, huh? I used the super-easy tutorial from Made By Lex - here. I left it the length it was, so that I can tuck it into skirts for work.

Two: I'm finally using the wonderful angora bunny wool that I bought in Scotland (once again: the bunnies are not harmed in the process), and knitting a cardigan. It's a ruffley one that I found on Ravelry. Ok so it doesn't look much at the moment, but I'm loving the softness and the vibrant colours!

And you, my dear friends, what have you been up to?

Friday, April 2, 2010

The new pad

We have safely arrived in Sydney, spent a few days unpacking and a few more days traipsing around to get the stuff we didn't already have for the house. Check out my new craft desk! Exciting stuff! Crafting recommences next week.

Oh yeah and this is some cool graffiti from down the street.