Thursday, June 20, 2013

A new home...

Hello my dears!  I see you're still subscribed to the Stitchybritt feed - what a wonderful committed bunch you are!  I bet you thought I had abandoned you, as I haven't been blogging here for a little while.  Well I did have a little sabbatical but I have not quit - rather, I have just moved to a new home.

I have started a new business, known as The Culture Classroom, which is all about sharing global traditions in living and making.  You know I've always been fascinated with celebrations, events, crafts and foods from around the world?  Well now I have decided to write about them and share them - you can find my new blog over at

So I'll still be blogging about crafty goodness, as well as a whole bunch more.  And I'll also be running some workshops quite soon - so head over to and stay tuned for more info.  I'm looking forward to seeing you there.

