Friday, January 28, 2011

Sweater critter

Boyfriend gave me this great book - Sweater Surgery - for my birthday last year. It is full of projects to make out of old knitted sweaters (but let's call them jumpers from now on, because I am Australian). I had been saving up some old jumpers, ready to tackle one of the projects. So with my lovely friend S due a little baby boy in 3 weeks, I decided to make one of the critters pictured in the top right corner of the book for him.

I loved this jumper until I accidentally shrunk it in the wash (oops!). I choose this fabric to match, thinking the apples would make for a good puppy belly print.

The pattern and instructions were super easy. In fact, I didn't really even use the pattern - I just looked at the pictures and cut the fabric in shapes that looked the same. That's the beauty of things like toys - they don't need to 'fit' anyone.

I made some cute little ears...

and a cute little nose... (damn night time photos! Will I ever get you right?)

and you end up with a pretty cute little puppy guy! I hope my newest friend likes him.

1 comment:

  1. This has got to be the cutest project ever!!! Ah my son would love one!! Very cute ;) x
