Saturday, October 22, 2011


Making sauerkraut in pictures... start with a cabbage and an apple...

 ... it's ok if you find little fellas like this, it means the cabbage wasn't drowned in pesticides.  Just pop him in the garden (or feed him to the chooks)...

...finely chop your cabbage and apple...

...pop it in a bowl and salt it up!...

...then mash!  Mash for your life! (or at least until the juices are coming out)...

...spoon it into a sterilized jar.  It's ok to get some on your hand (and the bench and the floor)...

... cover with cling film, put another jar on top (you want to make sure it is all submerged in juices) and cover with cling film again...

...pop it in the fridge and wait a couple of weeks.  Then you will have yummy sauerkraut to have with your sausages, your mash, your veggies, your rice.

Oh, and a quick update on Buy Nothing New Month.  Day 22 and all going well.  Only slight error I might have made was to buy paper kitchen towels while I was picking up some food supplies the other day.  I'm not a big paper towel user (tea towels all the way!) but occassionally there is a need for paper towels, for example, when the kitty vomits.  And now that I've put you all off your dinner, I'll be off!  See ya!

1 comment:

  1. Spooky- I've just sliced the other half of my red cabbage to sauerkraut it...(having a cuppa to give me the energy to do the heavy 'bashing/mashing' stage)
    It looks lovely- enjoy it!
