Monday, February 6, 2012

Guerilla Art

You may already know that I have a bit of a thing for guerilla art.  I love it when I'm travelling and I find some yarn bombing around a bike rack, or concrete televisions displaying thought-provoking pictures.  The fact that someone has taken the time to make the street more interesting is a nice thought.

Photo from

One street art project that I adore (but am yet to witness for myself) is aMoment.  aMoment make little gifts and do mass drops of them in the street for people to find and take home.  For their first drop they planted forget-me-nots in teacups and left 100 of them on the streets of Melbourne with 'please take me home' tags.  How cool is that?  aMoment are actually looking for funding to help their next project right now - do you think you could spare a dollar?  If so, go here (there is a cute video about them too).

Then my lovely friend C bought me this book for Christmas!  It is full of brilliant ideas for guerilla artists, such as guerilla gardening (creating a small garden in an unused space like the middle of a roundabout) and moss graffiti (truly awesome).

I have not chosen my first project yet, but I am scheming.

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