Monday, April 23, 2012

Stitchy night

Recently I held Stitchy night at my house.  A bunch of lovely lasses came over and brought their stitchy projects, yummy snacks and fun conversation.

There was some machine-type stitching..., cheese and dips...

...lots of great knitting...

 and even some finished products!  Look at those cute kiddy trousers!

Me, I cast on something new (but didn't get very far - I blame the wine, and the cheese, and the chatting).  Such a good night!


  1. I wish I knew enough people to have a stitchy night. Me and my one friend who sews often have crafty nights but we end up too drunk to finish anything haha!

    - Adele @ Mammy Made

    1. Hi Adele - we originally formed this group via Twitter. We all followed Pip Lincolne at a time she was promoting Brown Owls groups, and decided to get together as a Sydney Inner West group. If you look for the Brown Owls blog you might be able to find - or start - a group near you.

  2. It was a very fun night! Thanks for hosting :)
