Tuesday, June 26, 2012

1000 new friends

We've never really needed a compost bin, because most of our fruit and veggie scraps go to these little critters - Winston and Clementine the guinea pigs.

They do an excellent job of eating our carrot tops, parsely stalks and the seedy, squishy bit from the middle of pumpkins (definitely a guinea pig favourite).

But there are a few foods scraps that guinea pigs don't eat, like potato peels, that we still had to put in the bin.  Until now!

Now, if you head down the back of our garden, by the laundry, you'll find this little house.

You open the lid, lift the newspaper "blanket"...

and there you will find our new worms!  1000 of them (or thereabouts).

We bought the worm farm on the weekend and got it set up straight away.  We are letting the worms settle into their new home for a few days before giving them some food scraps to snack on.  As if that wasn't cool enough, worm poo is some of the best garden fertilizer there is, and I have big plans for a veggie garden come spring.

Welcome little guys, enjoy your new digs!

1 comment:

  1. Have you got the pretty pink striped worms? (I love those guinea pigs too- reminded me of when I was a child, although I was less 'historical' in the naming department!)
